All posts by Suzanne
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Sunday, May 7th, 2017 from 12:30pm to 4:30pm
Fordham University, 113 West 60th Street, NYC
Public Speaking, Social Media, and Mindfulness Skills for Psychologists and Social Workers
Enhance your presentation skills? social media skills? your mindfulness skills? During this stimulating afternoon, you will have the opportunity to improve all three — with renowned experts in their fields.
KEVIN DALEY – Public Speaking/Presentation Expert
Kevin Daley is considered a global authority on communications and presentations skills. He has personally coached 62 Board Chairmen, 320 company Presidents, 3100 sales managers, as well as a broad range of political figures, sports and media people clearly under pressure.
THOMAS FALCONER – Social Media Expert
Thomas Falconer has over 18 years’ experience as a social media strategist, digital strategist, and content strategist for some of the most prominent advertising agencies in the world. Currently Thomas is Associate Director of Content Strategy at Ogilvy and Mather, on the IBM team. Thomas is a co-founder of B · OUT, a recently launched content and community app for the LGBTQ community.
Dr. ERIN OLIVO – Mindfulness Expert
Erin Olivo, PhD, MPH, is an author and licensed clinical psychologist with more than 21-years’ experience treating patients dealing with stress, anxiety and depression. From July 2004 to July 2008, Erin was Director of the Columbia University Integrative Medicine Program, which she headed in collaboration with Dr. Oz. Among her books is “Wise Mind Living: Master Your Emotions, Transform Your Life.”
By Email: Reserve your place by sending your name and degree to You may pay at the door or send your check (payable“Manhattan Psychological Association”) to: 909 Third Avenue, #7844, New York, NY 10150.
Online: Register and pay through EventBrite.
- Non-MPA Members – $30
- MPA Members – Free as membership benefit
- Fordham Staff & Students – Free
MPA President and Event Chair: Suzanne Roff, PhD
For further information, contact us at:
Special Thanks to our Host Fordham University.
The year 2016 brings new Directors to our Board. To learn more about our leadership, click the names below for LinkedIn/other profiles.
Suzanne Roff-Wexler — President
Helen Rozelman — President-Elect
Harold Takooshian — Past President
Sheila Henderson — Secretary
Henry Solomon — Treasurer
James L. Rebeta — Representative to NYSPA Council
Members at Large (2016-2018)
Members at Large (2015-2016)
Members at Large (2015-2017)
Deborah Lazarus
Two former MPA Board Members Dr. Richard H. Wexler and Dr. Rivka Bertisch Meir were remembered along with Dr. Robert W. Rieber.
Announcing a PUBLIC FORUM
in cooperation with the Manhattan Psychological Association
Stanley Milgram: the EXPERIMENTER
Opening on October 16 across the USA, the film EXPERIMENTER focuses new attention on the brilliant life and work of psychology Professor Stanley Milgram (1933-1984).
In this public forum in New York City, a panel of some of Dr. Milgram’s alumni and others gather to share their experiences, to better understand this unique man, his work, and this bold new film.
Tuesday, 10 November 2015, 7-8:45 pm
Fordham at Lincoln Center, 113 West 60 St., room 1022
Panelists (so far) on Stanley Milgram: Henry Solomon, Edward English, Florence L. Denmark, Kathryn Hahner, and
Harold Takooshian
Milgram’s work: I. Edward Price, David M. Mantell, Edward Erdos, Stuart Levine, and Eugen Tarnow
This film about Dr. Milgram: Anne-Katrin Titze
Notes: In NYC, the film can be viewed at Sunshine Cinema.
For other cities, check here.
This forum is hosted by Fordham University, in cooperation with the Manhattan Psychological Association, and APA Division of Social Issues.
For any details:
Sunday, November 22, 2015 — 12 noon to 4pm
Fordham University
113 West 60th Street, New York, NY 10023
Every 31 seconds someone attempts suicide in the United States. Every 13 minutes someone dies from suicide. It impacts families and communities in deep and painful ways. It impacts us personally and professionally.
Suicide is an action that most of us prefer not to hear about. Why? It’s tragic, desperate and we may feel helpless. Is it because we don’t think it will happen to anyone we know? Why is it so stigmatized that it is rarely spoken of especially by the treating clinicians?
What do you know about suicide in Manhattan? Hanging is the most prevalent way at 28%, followed by jumping off our skyscrapers at 18% in comparison to 2% nationwide. Our subway systems account for 7%. Nonetheless, Manhattan’s suicide rate is about half the national average.
How much, as professionals, do we know about evaluating our suicidal clients? Working with families who have a suicidal member or who have suffered a loss due to suicide? Dealing with colleagues or our own suicidal ideation and how suicide impacts our personal and professional lives?
• When it is time to refer when you speak with someone with suicidal ideation
• How to work with families to anticipate, control, or eliminate suicidality
• What you need to know to protect yourself legally
• How new technologies (i.e., Iphone apps) be used as 21st century adjuncts for clients and clinicians
• How research on suicidality often continues to exclude the depressed or anxious with or without mental diagnoses and why new research is needed
• Why we as a profession stigmatize suicide to the point that we don’t even keep statistics on psychologists who commit suicide
• How new technologies help prevent suicide
Clinicians, Researchers, Social Psychologists, Social Workers, Academics
Manhattan Psychological Association (MPA) Members – FREE
Non-MPA Attendees – $25 event only — $35 if you apply to become a MPA member, your fee with cover 2016 dues.
Students – $5 with ID — $15 to become a MPA Student member, your fee with cover 2016 dues.
Social workers with LCSW or LMSW licenses seeking NYS CEU hours – $20 additional fee payable at door.
Program Chair
Suzanne Roff-Wexler, PhD – President-Elect of Manhattan Psychological Association and Executive Director of Psychology21C
Harvey L. White, MD is a psychiatrist in private practice and Senior Attending Physician, Department of Psychiatry at Mt. Sinai Hospital, St. Lukes-Roosevelt Division in New York City. Dr. White is a founding member of the American Family Therapy Academy, a Fellow of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, author of “Your Family is Good for You” (Random House), and Co-Editor of “First Annual Review of Family Therapy.” He is also the author of “Freud: A One Man Play” last performed in London with Richard Dreyfuss to celebrate the anniversary of Freud’s birth. He received his BA from Harvard College, his MD degree from New York Medical College, and Psychiatry training at Albert Einstein in the Bronx.
Michelle Kuchuk, MS has a BA in Psychology from NYU and a Master of Science in Neuroscience & Psychology from Teachers College at Columbia. Michelle has over three years of experience as a crisis responder for the oldest suicide prevention hotline in the world, and has extensive research and practical experience focused in trauma, substance use, mental illness, and suicide. She is Head of Content Development at Crisis Text Line.
Shane Owens, PhD ABPP is a psychologist and recognized leader in suicide risk assessment and management. For over 15 years, he has honed his clinical skills working directly with people in crisis. Dr. Owens also provides suicide crisis management training and consultation to healthcare professionals. Dr. Owens earned board certification in cognitive-behavioral psychology. In January 2016, he will begin a term on the board of directors of the American Board of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychology. In this role, he strives to increase the availability of effective mental health treatments in the United States. Dr. Owens has also testified as an expert witness in cases involving suicide and homicide. His scholarly works appear in Aggressive Behavior and the Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Please email Dr. Rochelle Balter at to reserve your place. Checks or cash only will be collected at door on Nov. 22nd beginning at 12 noon. No credit cards accepted. Consider applying to join MPA at the conference because for $10 additional, you will be eligible to become a member through December 31, 2016.
Announcing a celebration Jerome Bruner @ 100 !
Since Jerome Bruner was born in New York City on October 1, 1915, he has become one of the pre-eminent psychologist of the Twentieth Century. Come share a joyous hour and birthday cake, saluting Dr. Bruner on his centenary.
26 September 2015, Saturday at 2:30 pm
St. John’s University, 101 Astor Place (+ E. 8 St.), NYC
All are welcome. Beverages are served.
Note: This gathering is hosted by St John’s University, in cooperation with the Manhattan Psychological Association, Psi Chi, and APA Division of Social Issues (SPSSI-NY). It follows the 1-2 pm salute to Dr. Robert Rieber.
For details:
In the spirit of ALL THINGS PSYCHOLOGICAL IN MANHATTAN, we are pleased to announce the following Fall 2015 events.
Getting involved” at the United Nations: Why and how?
In the 70 years since the United Nations was formed in 1945, it has encouraged “civil society” groups and individuals to “get involved” in its important work. But how? Here, three experienced panelists describe this process.
This is part of Professor Dinesh Sharma‘s new course on “U.N. and
Global Leadership.”
Harold Takooshian, President, Manhattan Psychological Association
Ariel Blum, IMCES & Fordham Graduate School of Education
Catherine Bonet, Independent Program Developer
Claudine Mukamabano,** Founder& CEO,
9 September 2015, Wednesday 7-8 pm,
Fordham University, 113 W. 60 St., room 904
All are welcome
* This panel is hosted by the Fordham Organizational Leadership Program, in cooperation with Fordham Psi Chi, MPA, SPSSI-NY. For any specific details, contact Professor Sharma at, or
** Ms Mukamabano is a Rwandan orphan, genocide survivor, and author of 2 books:
(1) The power of social media: Be yourself & change somebody’s life today, and
(2) Forgiveness: A Transformation Power of Pain to a Joyful Life Style
Announcing a public remembrance hour in New York City with family and friends of Robert W. Rieber, PhD (March 24, 1932 – April 9, 2015)
26 September 2015, Saturday 1-2 pm
St. John’s University-Manhattan campus,
101 Astor Place (+ East 8th St.), New York City
Bob was Professor Emeritus at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, of New York City and Prospect Point, Maine. He passed peacefully on April 9 at age 83. He gained recognition asserting that “Sybil,” whose tale brought multiple-personality disorder to public attention, actually had a single troubled personality.
His many books included “Manufacturing Social Distress: Psychopathy in Everyday Life” and “The Psychopathology of Language and Cognition.” He edited the Encyclopedia of the History of Psychological Theories, and The Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky. A film noir connoisseur, he co-wrote “Film, Television, and the Psychology of the Social Dream.” A Penn State grad, with doctorate from University of London, he was on faculty of Columbia, visiting professor at Fordham University, and fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Psychological Association, and New York Academy of Sciences. He was editor of the Journal of Social Distress and the Journal of Psycholinguistics. A lover of rare literary treasures, his distinguished collection is now cataloged.
The Rieber family address is: Louise Rieber, 10 East 85 St., NYC 10028
** Note: This memorial hour is hosted by the Manhattan Psychological Association. Beverages are served. This immediately precedes an MPA gathering at 2:30-4 pm. For any details, contact MPA President Harold Takooshian:
Conversation Hour & Workshop on Peace Education and Leadership with Maya Soeotoro-Ng, PhD
University of Hawaii-Manoa, and Sister of Barack Obama
How can a global leader best promote peace education among
students and the public?
Maya Soeotoro-Ng completed her education at Barnard, NYU, and her PhD in comparative international education at the U of Hawaii, where she now teaches. In this Skype session with Fordham Professor Dinesh Sharma, she will discuss her work on this timely issue, coinciding with 70th anniversary of the UN and the annual meeting of UNGA. Chair: Professor Dinesh Sharma, PhD, Fordham
Discussant: Professor Harold Takooshian
Monday, 28 September 2015, 6-7 pm
Fordham University-LC Room 904
All are welcome. Beverages are served
** This session is hosted by Professor Dinesh Sharma and the Organizational Leadership program of Fordham University, in cooperation with MPA, SPSSI-NY and Psi Chi Honor Society. For any details contact
Public Forum on Psychobiography: Culture, History & Methods
What is psychobiography? What is its future in a globalized world? Robert A. LeVine, a psychological anthropologist at Harvard, was in Social Relations at founding of Culture & Personality studies with Whitings, Kluckhohn and Murray.
Sudhir Kakar, first Indian student of Erikson, is a leading psychoanalyst on the subcontinent. Paul Elovitz is founding Director of the Psychohistory Forum.
Joseph G. Ponterotto, a psychobiographer and professor of psychology, whose latest book is A Psychobiography of Bobby Fischer (2012). Author, psychologist and consultant Dinesh Sharma’s seven books include Barack Obama in Hawaii and Indonesia (2011) and The Global Obama (2014).
Welcomes: Harold Takooshian, SPSSI-NY
Chair: Dinesh Sharma, Fordham
Joseph G. Ponterotto, A Psychobiography of Bobby Fischer
Robert LeVine, Psychobiography and Anthropology: Life History Across Cultures
Sudhir Kakar, Young Tagore: The Makings of a Genius
Dinesh Sharma, The Global Obama: Crossroads of Leadership in 21st Century
Paul Elovitz, Founder, Psychohistory Forum
Sheila Henderson, Fordham Graduate School of Education
26th October 2015, Monday at 6 pm
Fordham University, 113 West 60 St., South Lounge
All are welcome. Beverages are served.
** This forum is hosted by Fordham University, in cooperation with the Manhattan Psychological Association, and APA Divisions of International Psychology and Social Issues (SPSSI-NY).
For any details:
Call for Proposals Friday, November 6, 2015
St. Francis College
Brooklyn Heights, New York City
Conference Theme:
Promoting Peace for Children and Adults
The science of psychology incorporates a broad range of theoretical perspectives as researchers are often challenged to address a variety of societal issues and concerns. This conference will incorporate research from all areas of psychology to get a glimpse at the
similarities and differences by which members of the field are addressing today’s important questions. While all topics will be considered, special emphasis will be placed on those which reflect the conference theme: promoting peace for children and adults.
Faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students are invited to submit papers or posters for possible presentation. Presentation proposals (300 word abstracts) are due by 5pm Friday, October 9th, 2015 to Please indicate if you are submitting for a paper or poster presentation. Review of presentations will begin following the deadline and decisions will be sent via email. Submissions should be in MSWord or RTF format, and must include the following: Author name(s) and affiliation(s), address, email and phone number of key presenter, name of faculty
mentor (if any). We anticipate mostly symposia and welcome full workshops or symposia centered on a theme. If you are submitting a single paper, we will group you in symposia appropriately.
While conference admission is free, reduced-rate applications are available so each student can join one professional organization on November 6th. Conference directions are available at
For additional details contact Conference Chairs, Dr. Marisa T. Cohen, Dr. Sunghun Kim, or Dr. Karen Wilson at
Awards for the best full paper (not abstract) by a student:
1. Scarpetta Award, for best undergraduate research
2. Toth Award, for best graduate student research
3. Guzewicz Award, for best cross-cultural/international research
4. Parker Award, for best neuropsychology research
5. Witmer Award, for best forensic research
6. Lander Award, for best research on Judaism
7. Wexler Award, for best research on positive psychology in organizations
8. Meir Award, for best research on psychology of well-being
**To be considered for an award, you should submit your full paper, in addition to the abstract by the October 9th deadline.
Keynote Speaker:
We are so excited to have Dr. Michael Wessells, who will be presenting his work, Getting beyond the humanitarian silos: An integrated approach for supporting the resilience of war-affected children.
Michael Wessells, PhD, is Professor at Columbia University in the Program on Forced Migration and Health. A long time psychosocial and child protection practitioner, he is former Co-Chair of the IASC Task Force on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings. He has conducted extensive research on the holistic impacts of war and political violence on children, and he is author of Child soldiers: From violence to protection (Harvard University Press, 2006). Currently, he is lead researcher on interagency, multi-country research on community driven interventions for strengthening linkages of community-based child protection mechanisms with government led aspects of national child protection systems.
He regularly advises UN agencies, governments, and donors on issues of child protection and psychosocial support, including in communities and schools. Throughout Africa and Asia he helps to develop community-based, culturally grounded programs that assist people affected by armed conflict and natural disasters.
35th annual Fordham Symposium on Graduate School in Psychology
Thursday, 5 November 2015, 6 -7:15 pm
Fordham at Lincoln Center, room 1004
How can students best prepare for competitive graduate schools and careers while still in college? Hear experts briefly present answers to different aspects of this important question. A series of 5-minute messages is followed by individual consultation with the speakers.
P r o g r a m
Moderator: Fatima A. Varner, Fordham University
Welcome: Viany Orozco, Fordham-LC Psi Chi
Margo A. Jackson, Fordham Graduate School of Education
The application process Mark E. Mattson PhD, SUNY Stony Brook
Undergraduate courses & practica David S. Glenwick PhD, Rochester
Undergraduate research Karen L. Siedlecki PhD, Virginia
Co-curricular activities Harold Takooshian
PhD, City U of New York, Clinical psychology training Jacqueline Helcer
MA, MS, Fordham Alternatives to clinical training Fatima A. Varner
PhD, Northwestern Training & licensing of psychotherapy Frederick J. Wertz PhD, Duquesne
All are welcome. Refreshments are served.
This 35th Fordham Symposium on Graduate School in Psychology
is hosted by the Fordham LC psychology faculty, Psychology
Association and Psi Chi, in cooperation with the APA Division of
Social Issues,
For any details:
Fordham public forum on Psychology in New York City: Its remarkable history
“Since 1879, why has no city on earth had a greater impact than New
York on the science and practice of psychology?” This question is
addressed in this 90-minute forum, in three parts: (1) A brief
illustrated tour of the remarkable sweep of NYC psychology–people,
places, and events–with MPA President Harold Takooshian. (2)
Focused remarks by a panel of distinguished experts below. (3) Open
Chair & Moderator: Mark E. Mattson, Fordham University
Overview Harold Takooshian, President, Manhattan Psy Assoc.
Psychoanalysis Sharon Brennan, President, NYS OCW Psychology
NYSPA Leonard Davidman, President, NYS Psy Assoc. Gender Florence L. Denmark, Pace University
International Uwe P. Gielen, Saint Francis College
Social Henry Solomon, Marymount Manhattan
12 Nov 2015, Thurs at 4-5:30 pm
Fordham University, 113 West 60th Street, room 1004
All are welcome. Beverages served.
** Note: This forum is hosted by Fordham University, in cooperation with the Manhattan Psychological Association, SPSSI-NY, NYSPA-OCW, Fordham Psi Chi. For any details: